Donated Used Soccer Equipment
A few seasons ago there was an unusual build-up of new and used U-10 soccer balls and uniforms that were taking up needed space in the AYSO storage container in Girsh Park. People were tripping over them. Eventually, I took it upon myself to donate these items to an orphanage located in Morelia, Mexico.
This orphanage is sponsored by a Rotary Club in Morelia made up of all woman, and now is a Sister Club of the Rotary Club Goleta of which I am a member.
Every year our two clubs team-up in Morelia and support doctors and nurses conducting Cataract Surgeries; about 100 surgeries per year. My clubs prime role is to accompany and safeguard two very large duffle bags containing the necessary medical supplies to perform the surgeries supplied by SEE International. We find it useful to use the deflated soccer balls and soft uniforms as cushioning for the fragile liquid fluid containers.
Finally, a look at the orphans in the photo I sent to John shows a lot of happiness has been generated by this gift and hopefully there will be more soccer balls in the future.
Pat O’Malley